Influencer Marketing 101: Developing Effective Business Marketing Strategies
Did you ever rely on a celebrity or Instagram model’s review to purchase from a fashion brand or skincare company? These testimonials can be pretty convincing for most consumers. While various digital marketing trends make businesses stand out, influencer marketing continues to dominate today’s marketing world.
What's Next for Brand Marketing in the New Normal?
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted business as usual worldwide and transformed marketing almost beyond recognition. This great period of uncertainty and turbulence saw a series of transitions in consumer behavior, from how they sought information to how they communicated with brands and their purchasing patterns. These changes meant that businesses had to rethink and revamp their brand marketing strategies to survive and thrive in the evolving landscape.
Finding the Perfect Balance Between Technical SEO and Content Marketing
Technical SEO is a collective noun used for all the nuts and bolts holding up your website, AKA the on-page elements of your website. The better the page speed, responsiveness, readability, and mutual interactivity, the more popular it’ll be among users and search engines, and the higher it’ll rank.
7 Types Of Digital Marketing to Consider For Your Digital Campaign
The phrase ‘digital marketing’ encompasses all marketing activities that reach consumers through digital devices. In this post, we’ll be breaking down 7 of the most popular forms of digital marketing.
3 Common Myths About Digital Marketing You Should Know
How often have you heard the common misconception that owning a website is enough to market your products digitally? Digital marketing is only increasing in importance, as consumers are now spending more time on social media and using the internet to research for and on a product.
How to Successfully Tackle Duplicate Content Issues
Duplicate content can be a headache for brands and businesses online. It negatively impacts page rankings and can even lead to penalties by the search engine.